Hello dear community and crypto travelers!
We are thrilled to announce a new strategic partnership for Tryvium Travels!
The most advanced and crypto friendly booking platform has partnered with House of Chimera, Blockchain Researchers and Advisory Group focused on Blockchain start-ups.
At Tryvium Travels devs are always longing for the best technology and the best advisorship.
House of Chimera has understood that, due to the everchanging nature of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, there’s a need for clarity, and simple but professional advisorship supported by data analysis and research papers.
This is necessary in order to recognize opportunities, and to scale up start-ups and projects to the next level.
Supported by strong partnerships such as Polygon Matic, Syscoin Platform (also Tryvium Travels’s partners) and Zilliqa among the others, it came naturally for Tryvium Travels to embrace House of Chimera into its own ecosystem.
Alessandro Sanino, CTO of Tryvium Travels, said:” We are excited to work side to side with House of Chimera, their data analysis and deep research will support and improve our technology, and we’ll be able to offer our best product ever to our clients and our community”.

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